The two main types of abortion are medical and surgical. All abortions are intended to end a pregnancy, but the type of abortion you have will depend on your unique situation, including the number of weeks you have been pregnant. As you consider your possibilities, it’s important to determine how far along you are and learn more about the abortion types that may be available to you. The PRC of Glenwood Springs does not perform or refer for abortion.
What Abortion Types Are Used Early In Pregnancy?
What Is Medical Abortion?
If you are 70 days pregnant or less, medical abortion may be an option. According to the FDA, women who are more than 10 weeks pregnant, have an ectopic pregnancy, or have certain other medical conditions should not take the abortion pill.
Surgical abortion, such as a vacuum aspiration abortion, is a possibility early in pregnancy if you have certain conditions that make you ineligible for the abortion pill.
Are There Abortion Pill Risks?
Risks of the abortion pill include incomplete abortion, serious infection, and heavy bleeding. Medication abortion can be taken at home in many cases, but you should be fully aware of the risks so you know when to seek emergency medical attention if needed.
An infection such as PID, a complication of abortion, could also cause future infertility. For some women, abortion also has an impact on mental health.
Understanding your risks ahead of time is essential for making a confident, informed choice, as the Mayo Clinic states that having a medical abortion is a serious decision with emotional and psychological consequences.
What Abortion Types Are Used Later In Pregnancy?
Surgical Abortion
For women later in their pregnancy, a surgical abortion is used. This type of abortion involves having a surgical procedure in a clinic or doctor’s office.
There are a few different methods of surgical abortion. A vacuum aspiration abortion may be used if you’re early in your second trimester, or a dilation and evacuation (D&E) method may be considered after the 14th week of pregnancy.
These procedures use surgical tools to remove the pregnancy.
Are There Surgical Abortion Risks?
Some of the potential risks of surgical abortion include excessive bleeding, infection, and internal damage.
As with the abortion pill, some women also experience an emotional impact after a surgical abortion. Surgical abortion also could lead to longterm effects if you develop a complication such as PID.
Before having a medical or surgical abortion, you should understand all of the possible side effects and complications, including how it relates to your physical and mental health.
What’s My Next Step?
Confirming your pregnancy and the number of weeks you have been pregnant is an important first step as you consider the abortion types available to you.
Free and Confidential Services in Glenwood Springs, CO
Contact us today to schedule lab-quality pregnancy testing and an ultrasound to determine how long you have been pregnant and to discuss your questions at no cost.