The abortion pill method is also known as a medication abortion because it uses two drugs to terminate a pregnancy. The first drug, mifepristone, blocks the hormone progesterone needed for your pregnancy to continue. Studies have shown that if you flood the body with progesterone after taking the first drug, there is over a 64-68% chance of saving your pregnancy. But you must act quickly.
How Does the Abortion Pill Method Work?
The FDA has approved the use of abortion pill drugs through ten weeks of pregnancy only (70 days since the first day of your last menstrual period). The effectiveness of the drugs decreases the farther along you are in your pregnancy.
Mifepristone, the first drug, is highly regulated by the FDA. You should only receive it from a certified healthcare provider. Although you may have seen the drugs offered online for a cheaper price, don’t be fooled. Many counterfeit sites offer inferior drugs not regulated by the FDA.
After mifepristone blocks progesterone, you take the second drug, misoprostol. This drug causes cramping and serious bleeding to expel the pregnancy from the body.
How Does Abortion Pill Reversal Counteract the Drugs?
If you have second thoughts about terminating your pregnancy after taking the first abortion pill drug, contact the Abortion Pill Reversal Helpline immediately. The sooner you act, the better your chance of saving your pregnancy.
Call the 24/7 Helpline at 1-877-558-0333 as soon as possible. They will put you in touch with a doctor near you who can safely treat you with progesterone. The success rate has shown to be anywhere from 64% to 68%, depending on the form of progesterone administered.
How Can the Pregnancy Resource Center Assist Me?
Discovering you are unexpectedly pregnant is overwhelming. Who can you talk to? Where can you go to meet with people you can trust? That’s where the team at the Pregnancy Resource Center comes in. We offer lay counselors who meet with you privately to discuss any subject that concerns you.
Are you aware that experts estimate as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage? Before paying to terminate your pregnancy, find out if yours is viable or if you have miscarried. Ultrasound reveals viability and how far along you are to see if you qualify for the abortion pill method.
If you need to confirm your pregnancy is viable (developing) before ordering the abortion pill, contact us. We provide free pregnancy testing. If your test comes back positive, we will arrange for you to have a free ultrasound.
Request an appointment online. Or, call or text our Glenwood Springs location to find out when our mobile medical unit is near you for convenient access to free pregnancy services. We understand this is a difficult time. Let us be a part of your pregnancy journey because we’re here for you.