3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before an Abortion

If you are considering an abortion, you may think an ultrasound isn’t necessary. But did you know that a positive pregnancy test and a late period may not be enough information to make an informed decision? There is still more to know about your unwanted pregnancy, and only an ultrasound scan can provide you with

Signs You Are Being Pressured into an Abortion Decision

When family members, your partner, or friends discover your unplanned pregnancy, they most likely share their opinions. Pressure to choose an abortion can be both physical and emotional.  The most important thing to remember is you have the legal right to decide for yourself what happens. No one else has the right to make that

Why Does an Ultrasound Matter if I’m Considering Abortion?

Believe it or not, a late period and a positive pregnancy test may not provide all the information you need. Only an ultrasound can provide information like if your pregnancy is developing or if you’ve had a miscarriage. Experts say more than one in four pregnancies ends in an early miscarriage.  You first need an

What to Do When Friends and Family Are Pressuring You into an Abortion Decision?

You may already be feeling immense pressure from the unexpected situation at hand. You might be putting pressure on yourself, feeling like you must know all the answers or how to handle what’s next.  In addition, you may have friends and family pressuring you into an abortion decision. We want to emphasize that it’s never

Are There More Options Than Abortion?

When discovering an unplanned pregnancy, your life feels out of control. You can experience many emotions, like confusion, fear, happiness, anger, and sadness. Even though you may feel out of control at the moment, you have control over what happens next, and you have options.  You can schedule an appointment to speak with a counselor

Navigating Pressure from Friends and Family When Considering Abortion

Having an abortion is a deeply personal decision. Although well-intentioned, if your friends and family members are aware of your unplanned pregnancy, they invariably share their opinions. It’s critical to remember that this decision is yours and yours alone. Don’t let others pressure you to choose one option over another. Is Abortion Right for Me?

Sharing Your Heart: How to Talk with Your Family When Considering Abortion

Depending on your family, sharing your heart can either be a meaningful experience or incredibly challenging. When facing something as serious as an unplanned pregnancy and the possibility of an abortion, it can be difficult to know where to begin the discussion.  Let the counselors at the Pregnancy Resource Center of Glenwood Springs help you.

The Role of Support Systems When Considering Abortion

It seems everyone has an opinion these days. Social media allows us to say whatever we think whenever we want. The trouble is sometimes the advice we receive isn’t helpful.  When facing a decision as serious as having an abortion, you need the support of close friends and family who have your best interests at

How Does Abortion End My Pregnancy?

It’s essential to learn the details about abortion procedures, side effects, and possible risks. An abortion has both physical and emotional consequences, so asking how abortion procedures end a pregnancy is the perfect place to start.  There are two types of abortion: medical and surgical. How long you have been pregnant can determine which method

What to Know If You’re Considering an Abortion

There are a lot of “what ifs” with abortion. You could choose the abortion pill, but what if you’re past the FDA’s 10-week limit or you’re no longer pregnant because you miscarried? Or, what if your pregnancy developed in the wrong location? Get the facts about abortion and what you need to know to avoid