When discovering an unplanned pregnancy, your life feels out of control. You can experience many emotions, like confusion, fear, happiness, anger, and sadness. Even though you may feel out of control at the moment, you have control over what happens next, and you have options.
You can schedule an appointment to speak with a counselor at the Pregnancy Resource Center. They can discuss your situation and all of your options.
Making an Adoption Plan
Women choose to place their children for adoption for many reasons. Their age, financial situation, home life, or other responsibilities can all be reasons for choosing to make an adoption plan.
Having another family raise your child is a hard decision. The good news is that you can choose the adoptive couple with today’s adoption process. You select the adoptive family, the amount of contact you wish to have, and the future you want for your child.
Choosing a reputable, licensed adoption coordinator is essential. You want to work with someone who will provide adoption counseling before, during, and after. The adoption coordinator’s services, including medical and legal expenses, should be offered at no cost to you.
Although we can’t place your child for adoption, we can refer you to reputable adoption agencies.
Choosing to Parent
Often, women consider having children “when the time is right.” Perhaps the right time is now. With determination and resources, parenting is possible.
You need to ask yourself some questions as you consider parenting. It’s okay if you don’t have a solution—we can help you find one!
- Will my parents or partner support me?
- Where will I live?
- Can I financially support a child?
- How will parenting affect my job or education?
- What resources do I need to parent successfully?
At the Pregnancy Resource Center, we come alongside you to help you parent. In addition to education and counseling, we provide material support. You can receive diapers, wipes, baby clothing, car seats, cribs, etc. Plus, we can refer you to many community resources to assist you.
Having an Abortion
If you want more information about abortion procedures, potential side effects, and the possible physical and psychological risks of abortion, please schedule a time to talk with one of our Pregnancy Resource Center counselors.
Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we can provide medically accurate information.
Schedule a Free and Confidential Appointment
Each of your pregnancy choices comes with unique challenges. Learn as much as you can about each one so you can make a confident, empowered decision for your future.
We’re here to help you. We offer free and confidential pregnancy services. You can receive free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and STI testing. Plus, our counselors are ready to listen to your unique situation and help you discuss your options.
Schedule an appointment today, and let’s begin looking ahead toward your future!